We’ve done it before.

We’re back doing it again.

The consultants at The Strategy Shop were all key members of Martino & Binzer, an award winning, nationally respected sales and marketing agency specializing in senior living clients for over 20 years. We refined our approach over that time and continue to serve our clients with unrivaled expertise.



Dave Martino, Jen Allain, Dan Croci, and Meg Raiano — The Strategy Shop Team — have worked together for many years. Small, fast, nimble and brilliantly efficient, they will get to your solutions quickly, reliably and with exceptional professionalism. You can expect success, lower costs, fewer headaches and complete transparency from our crew.

Dave Martino Brand Strategy

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Two sides of the fence. Two important perspectives. Same story: successful execution.

For 20 years as President and Founder of Martino & Binzer, a nationally recognized senior living sales and marketing agency, Dave spearheaded the strategy efforts that lead to countless successful occupancy turnarounds, start-ups and expansions for senior living clients from California to Connecticut and 35 states in between.

In 2022 and 2023 Dave was fully immersed in the client side of the business and experienced what Martino & Binzer clients lived everyday — first as a sales counselor for Duncaster in Connecticut and most recently in 2023, working as the VP of Sales & Marketing for Westminster Communities of Florida.

At Duncaster, Dave was not only selling daily but also still working as the agency responsible for all brand and lead generation activities. Selling to the leads you generated was a remarkable experience and the sales interaction invaluable to generating even more leads.

While working onsite and remotely for Westminster Communities of Florida, Dave was responsible for the occupancy challenges of 10 Life Plan communities along with 12 affordable housing communities. Managing the diligence process for an 11th community was an added bonus and brought even more insights into focus.

All of this experience creates an insider’s point of view from two different perspectives that very few industry professionals can match.

So if you’re looking for a strategy partner that speaks your language, understands your business, collaborates like a co-worker, respects your budget, and brings decades of experience and fresh ideas — from both sides of the fence — leave the fanfare behind, grab a coffee and call Dave.

Dan Croci & Jen Allain Creative Strategy

Brand brilliance requires experiences with words and images that demand your attention, entice you to act and make it easy to understand this brand is better than all the others. Dan and Jen deliver brand differentiation with a thorough understanding of senior living based on 20+ years of experience working together with Dave at M&B and beyond. Easy going personas mean no prima donna nonsense and a clear expectation of the client’s response, and that of their prospects and residents. The Strategy Shop approach to creative deployment is worth understanding. Let’s connect to discuss more thoroughly.

Meg Raiano Digital Strategy

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Let’s face it, there’s digital strategy and then there’s senior living digital strategy. Big difference. And, a successful implementation requires big experience and unmatched dedication to getting the job done on time, on budget and with successful outcomes. If your digital partner is just “mailing it in” and sending an invoice, Meg and our team will change all that...in light speed time with measurable results, not just a focus on traffic and clicks. The Strategy Shop position on digital is founded in what works, what doesn’t and most importantly, why we do what we do. Too much of a good thing is a real thing in senior living digital execution.

Client Experience

  • Not-For-Profit
  • For-Profit
  • Single Site
  • Systems
  • Stand-Alone Assisted Living
  • Entrance Fee
  • Rental

Shopping the shop

We offer deep subject matter expertise and experience with start-ups, expansions, and Life Plan community low occupancy issues.